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The largest directory of escorts in the world.
There are 6168 independent escorts, escort agencies,
bodyrub and massage services.

Express/priority review

For a fee of $50 you can have your website reviewed and listed within 24 hours.


The $50 fee is for review only. After you have made your payment one of our editors will visit your site and review it for listing within 24 hours. Once your site is accepted it will be listed in the directory.

Please note:

Bold Listings appear on top of regular listings and gives you more traffic.

To get listed you must link to us in a visible position on your "Home Page". To link to us please visit the "Link to us" page.

To submit a site to priority review fill the form below and then pay. After submit and the successfull payment your site will be reviewed and listed within 24 hours.

Please insert url without http:// or https://